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Publikationer, som CBB medarbejderne har udgivet


PHD afhandlinger

  • Bork KH Biologisk Sikkerhedsberedskab i Danmark. Københavns Universitet. 2007


Speciale rapporter mm.

  • Ambirk HAM Inaktivering af Bacillus subtilis sporer. DTU. 2007




  • Centre for Biosecurity and Biopreparedness. Biorisk Management Case Study: Stanford Digital Repository. Available at 2023
  • Rasmussen S, Petersen MS, Høiby S SARS-CoV-2 infection dynamics in Denmark, February through October 2020: Nature of the past epidemic and how it may develop in the future. PLoS One.
    2021 Apr 9;16(4): PMID:33836034 PMCID: PMC8034750 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0249733
  • Petersen R, The covert battlefield: Doctor Witaszek, the WKZO, and the Polish use of biological and chemical warfare against the Third Reich, The Nonproliferation Review, 2021
  • Petersen R,  Den polske brug af biologiske og kemiske kampstoffer under Anden Verdenskrig. Dansk Militærhistorisk Kommissions Tidsskrift, p. 87-137, 2018
  • Slotved HC, Yatich KK, Sam SO, Ndhine EO  The capacity of diagnostic laboratories in Kenya for detecting infectious diseases. Trop Med Health. 2017; 45(10)
  • Ndhine EO, Slotved HC, Osoro EM, Olsen KN, Rugutt M, Wanjohi CW, Mwanda W, Kinyagia BM, Steenhard N, Hansen JS A Biosecurity Survey in Kenya, November 2014 to February 2015. Health Secur.2016; 14(4), 205-213
  • Petersen R,  When a nation is being murdered – The secret biological and chemical war against the Third Reich. Zeszyzy Naukowe AON 2 (103) 2016
  • Slotved HC, Sparding N, Tanassi JT, Steenhard N, Heegaard NHH Evaluating 6 ricin field detection assays. Biosecur Bioterror.2014; 12(4), 186-189 PubMed
  • Sparding N, Slotved HC, Nicolaisen GM, Giese S, Elmlund J, Steenhard N Development of an ELISA for evaluation of swab recovery efficiencies of bovine serum albumin. PLoS One.2014; 9(11), e112876 PubMed
  • Slotved HC, Tanassi JT, Sparding N, Lindqvist A, Steenhard NR, Heegaard NHH Botulinum toxin field assays evaluated using cosmetic botox preparations. Biosecur Bioterror.2013; 11(4), 280-286 PubMed
  • Bahl MI, Rosenberg K High abundance and diversity of Bacillus anthracis plasmid pXO1-like replicons in municipal wastewater. FEMS Microbiol Ecology.2010; 74(1), 241-247
  • Hansen JS Biologisk krig og terror: forebyggelse og imødegåelse. Ugeskr Laeger.2010; 172(2), 125-127
  • Hansen JS Raising biopreparedness levels in Europe: Towards an all-hazards approach?. SDA biopreparednessreport.The Security & Defence Agenda, 2009; 1, 56-57
  • Beyer NH, Schou C, Houen G, Heegaard NHH Extraction and identification of electroimmunoprecipitated proteins from agarose gels. J Immunol Methods.2008; 330, 24-33
  • Jepsen MR, Ethelberg S, Nicolaisen GM En ny spiller på den danske GIS-arena: Statens Serum Institut. Geoforum Perspektiv.2008; 13, 6-12
  • Pedersen UB, Hansen JS Assessment tools in support of epidemiological investigation of airborne dispersion of pathogens. Am J Disaster Med.2008; 3(6),
  • Bork KH Biologiske våben falder let i terroristers hænder. Ingeniøren.2007; 30. marts,
  • Bork KH, Halkjær-Knudsen V, Hansen JS, Heegaard ED Biosecurity in Scandinavia. Biosecur Bioterror.2007; 5(1), 62-71
  • Hansen JS, Den biologiske trussel. Jyllands-Posten, 2007; 14. marts,
  • Pedersen UB, Mazick A Participants of a workshop on mortality monitoring in Europe. Monitoring excess mortality for public health action: potential for a future European network. Euro Surviell.2007; 12(1), E070104.1
  • Bork KH, Klein BM, Trautner S, Pedersen UB, Mølbak K, Heegaard ED Surveillance of ambulance dispatch data as a tool for early warning. Euro Surveill.2006; 11,
  • Bork KH Biosecurity. Laboranten.2006; februar,
  • Hansen JS Concepts of offensive use of biological weapons. Militært Tidsskrift.2006; 135, 347-359
  • McEwen SA, Wilson TM, Ashford DA, Heegaard ED, Kournikakis B Microbial forensics for natural and intentional incidents of infectious disease involving animals. Rev Sci Tech.2006; 25(1), 329-339
  • Pedersen MK, Sorensen NS, Heegaard PMH, Beyer NH, Bruun LA Effect of different hapten-carrier conjugation ratios and molecular orientations on antibody affinity against a peptide antigen. J Immunol Methods.2006; 311, 198-206
  • Bork KH, Klein BM, Pedersen UB, Trautner S, Heegaard ED Monitorering af sygdomsudbrud på basis af akutte medicinske ambulancekørsler. Ugeskr Laeger.2005; 167(36), 3401-3402
  • Bork KH, Heegaard ED, Nielsen J, Kogutowska E, Heegaard NHH Evaluering af anthrax vaccination i Danmark. Ugeskr Laeger.2005; 167(36), 3390-3393
  • Dalby T, Strid MA, Beyer NH, Blom J, Mølbak K, Krogfelt KA Rapid decay of Salmonella flagella antibodies during human gastroenteritis: A follow up study. J Microbiol Methods.2005; 62, 233-243PubMed
  • Hansen JS Was Egypt subjected to a biological warfare attack 3500 years ago?. Militært Tidsskrift.2005; 134, 586-589
  • Harboe ZB, Skinhoj P, Heegaard ED, Qureshi K Hæmoragisk marburgfeber i Angola i 2005. Ugeskr Laeger.2005; 167(36), 4087-4090
  • Heegaard ED, Hansen JS Den biologiske trussel og det biologiske beredskab i Danmark. Ugeskr Laeger.2005; 167(36), 3381-3384
  • Heegaard ED, Fomsgaard A Koppeberedskab i Danmark. Ugeskr Laeger.2005; 167(36), 3384-3387
  • Hansen JS CBRN truslen kræver komplekse løsninger. Militært Tidsskrift.2004; 133, 150-162
  • Hansen JS Biologisk Beredskab i Danmark. Ugeskr Laeger.2003; 65(12), 1223
  • Hansen JS Grænseoverskridende forsvar. Berlingske Tidende, 2002; 9. december,
  • Hansen JS Biologisk beredskab. Militært Tidsskrift.2002; 131, 127-132


Bøger mm.

  • CBB Det biologiske trusselsbillede - risici og forebyggelse, 2020
  • Nielsen A An introduction to biopreparedness. CBB, 2019
  • CBB An efficient and practical approach to Biosecurity - Russisk version: БИОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ЗАЩИТА. Center for Biosikring og Bioberedskab, 2016
  • CBB Det biologiske trusselsbillede – en situationsrapport om biologiske angreb, våbenudvikling og misbrug. Center for Biosikring og Bioberedskab, 2016
  • CBB Biological Security Threats – situation report on biological attacks, weapons development and misuse. Center for Biosikring og Bioberedskab, 2016
  • Petersen R The Danish biosecurity system, Chapter 14. Simon Whitby etc(ed). Preventing Biological Threats: What You Can Do - A Guide to Biological Security Issues and How to Address Them, Bradford Disarmament Research Centre, University of Bradford, 2016; 279-295
  • Nielsen A  An efficient and practical approach to Biosecurity. CBB, 2015; 1. udgave